Manveer Singh Bagry


Manveer Singh Bagry is a commercial litigator and tribunal secretary. He has been active in fraud and asset recovery matters, regulatory enforcement, commercial litigation, and international arbitration. He is also assisting Dato’ Lim Chee Wee as a tribunal secretary in an ongoing arbitral dispute.

His experience in fraud and asset recovery matters includes assisting in obtaining judgment on behalf of a company for fraud and conspiracy to injure.

On regulatory enforcement matters, he has acted on behalf of regulatory bodies in bringing actions to enforce regulations against insider trading and unlawful pecuniary gain.

With regard to commercial litigation matters, he has acted as junior counsel for high-value contractual disputes relating to breach of contract, trespass, and loss and expense.

He also has experience in international arbitration matters, where he has advised a multinational oil and gas company on the enforcement of a foreign arbitral award and its legal status as an alter-ego of the state.

He graduated from Durham University in 2022.

Key Practice Areas
Fraud and Asset Recovery
  • Acting as junior counsel on behalf of a principal development institution concerning a sham investment where the claim sum exceeds USD50 million.
  • Acting as junior counsel for a leading Malaysian financial development institution against its former senior officer and numerous other defendants for the fraudulent misappropriation of a RM400 million loan to finance a RM1.3 billion telecommunications project.
  • Assisted counsel on behalf of a company based in Setiawan Perak, in obtaining judgment for fraud and conspiracy to injure.
Regulatory Enforcement
  • Acting as junior counsel on behalf of Malaysian securities regulatory in an ongoing appeal relating to insider trading.
  • Acting as junior counsel in a claim brought by the Malaysian securities regulator to recover an unlawful pecuniary gain by using manipulative and deceptive devices in a publicly listed company.
Commercial Litigation
  • Acting as junior counsel in defending a claim by the Malaysian national electricity supplier for alleged trespass and damage caused to a submarine cable connected between Malaysia and Singapore.
  • Acting as junior counsel for a retail company to defend and to counterclaim for breach of contract.
  • Assisting Dato’ Lim Chee Wee as a tribunal secretary in an ongoing arbitral dispute.
International Arbitration
  • Advised a multinational oil and gas company on enforcement of arbitral award
  • Acting as junior counsel for an oil and gas company to initiate an international arbitration for breach of contract.
Restructuring and Insolvency
  • Assisted counsel in successfully winding up a Labuan-based company.
  • Acting as junior counsel in ongoing proceedings to oppose an application to remove the liquidator of a delisted public-listed confectionary company.
Qualifications and Professional Affiliations

  • Advocate & Solicitor, High Court of Malaya (2024)
  • Barrister-at-Law (Inner Temple) (2023)
  • LL.B. (Hons), Durham University (2022)